The day dawned bright but breezy on the 25th June and I headed on my way down the M25 towards Oxted and the Salmon & Trout Associations annual Ladies Day event at Coltsford Mill. Within 2 miles I was stuck in a giant traffic snarl up behind an overturned lorry at junction 7….. This caused some delay for a few of us and it was a slightly later start to the day, but fuelled by coffee and chocolate biscuits, I and another 9 or 10 women with fishy aspirations, headed towards our first port of call for the day – a morning session talking fish species, tackle, licenses and permits and fishing etiquette. Lunch was a casual buffet affair on the terrace and it was interesting to find out where people came from and how they had got onto this fishing lark. A few influenced by husbands, some were already fishing but were comparatively new to fly fishing, and some were there by association with other organisations. After lunch, we headed back to the lakes and split up. There was an excellent provision of instructors/mentors and it was mostly one on one tuition. At this point, having ascertained that I was no novice the guys let me have a go on my own with a few check ups along the way. I picked out a nice spot near a tree (shade) and towards the bottom of the lake, thinking that the food would be blown down wind and the fish congregating in this area. A few fish were flipping out of the water in various random locations, tantalising us, but just out of reach.
The day was drawing to a close. Word was filtering back about the fishing success on the smaller (and more sheltered) lake. Some excited faces from ladies who had never hooked a fish before – very good to see. Almost last cast and Bridget finally hooked one – Trevor helped her land it and it was a very satisfactory end to the day.
Thanks to the Salmon &Trout Association for arranging the day and for the voluntary time put in by Trevor and the team. Would really recommend the day as an introduction to fly fishing or as a refresher…. And I look forward to possibly reconvening in the near future….